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Help yourself, no one else will... 


This sentence, often spoken with resignation and bitterness, contains much truth. Nevertheless, when it comes to our own wellbeing, we tend to rely on others. But the fact is: the first step to better quality of life lies in your own hands. If you want to bring about change, it will happen if you make Jin Shin Jyutsu your personal tool.


External and internal influences cause us to lose our equilibrium and our bodies become disharmonized which, in turn, has a negative impact on our wellbeing. With Jin Shin Jyutsu you will learn to understand correlations and regain your equilibrium through simple daily exercises. For you, this means that not only minor indispositions but also serious diseases can be prevented, or - in combination with conventional medicine – the healing process will be supported. Here are some examples:


  •    Stress-based disorders (stomach, skin, insomnia...)

  •    Muscular tension, fibromyalgia, rheumatism...

  •    Rehabilitation after stroke, heart attack, treatment for cancer...

  •    Hyperactivity, depression, lack of concentration...


You may not be a machine, but at least in certain aspects you should treat yourself like a machine: after all, you wouldn’t neglect to maintain, descale and clean a machine. Even if there is only a minor malfunction, you wouldn’t wait until the entire machine breaks down before seeking a remedy. So, take the hands-on approach: help yourself, no one else will... 

If you are somewhere, where there is no human being - be you the human being!"(orient)

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